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Writer's picturesophietodd.

How To Look Good Naked - In My Eyes.

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

Firstly I wanna say this show is BRILLIANT.

Our bodies go through a lot in life and a lot of changes that sometimes we don't like. This show demonstrates how by a few methods and time for your mind to make the changes you need, people who feel most uncomfortable with how they look can find the confidence they need to love their bodies.

The first stage of the show is about facing what you see and how others see you. By being faced by 360 degree mirrors many of the women on the show break down in tears and simply can't cope with how they feel about their bodies. What they see isn't positivity. Gok then brings in women of all sizes who love their flesh and bones to talk about themselves and how they see the women who wants a change.

The next step is seeing their picture scaled up and plastered in a shop window. Facing the public's opinion is something that often fills you with confidence, even for me watching thinking if I saw that image I wouldn't think judgmentally, more like yeah that's what real women look like. This idea of expectation is almost removed from that point because if most people feel that way then what have you got to be afraid of. I think it would personally fill me with confidence.

The final stages of the show is a naked photoshoot with a professional photographer which acts as a keep sake of how you once saw your reflection and how you hopefully will after the process is completed. The last thing in each show is the catwalk, where the ladies have the choice to walk naked or not.

Throughout the process it's not just about the things you do but it's the way you think, and so if that means it takes longer than the next person that's ok it's a completely personal process and is something that will change as your body changes.

I think in a time where changes in the idea of beauty is so relevant, this is exactly the kind of show that even people watching will feel a sense of empowerment about themselves and their body through the process of watching others do the same. It's only because at some stage someone decided beauty is the size 0 model, that women don't feel good about themselves, so the more people who watch this or simply think and believe everyone is beautiful in their own way the less pressure there is within our community to feel negatively towards how we look.


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