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A straw that can change your life.

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

Almost 3 years ago 3 high school students in America designed a this product that can detect date rape drugs for a project.

“Victoria Roca, Susana Cappello and Carolina Baigorri, who attend Gulliver Preparatory School in Miami, designed a straw that includes two chemical test strips that turn navy blue if they come into contact with some substances frequently used for "drug-facilitated sexual assault.”

The straw they created detects three substances that are used to disorientate victims meaning it’s much easier to be taken advantage of. Rohypnol, or ‘roofies’ are often found in the form of a small pill that dissolves into liquid, as either a pill of powder form. The victim can feel effects from just 30 minutes after ingestion and can last for up to several hours, making it hugely difficult to control after it’s been taken. ‘Symptoms include loss of muscle control, difficulty moving, feeling drunk, difficulty talking, nausea, upset stomach, confusion, vision problems, dizziness, sleepiness, loss of consciousness and, of course, the whole reason why some may give this to you, memory loss while drugged.’

The second substance the straw detects is ketamine or ‘Special K'. Causing an effect in just minutes, this clear liquid or white powder can easily be slipped into your drink and causes confusion, depression, difficulty thinking and memory loss. Ket can also be known to cause hallucinations making it extremely dangerous to this who aren’t aware they’ve had it.

Finally hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) or liquid ecstasy comes as a clear, odourless liquid, pill or powder and victims can expect to feel effects within15 to 60 minutes after it being taken and lasts for up to six hours. Under the influence of GHB you can expect to feel euphoric, calm or even more sexually aroused as well as feeling more passive and susceptible to influence, and failing to remember what happened while the drug is in your system.

All three of these drugs can lead the victim to believing what is going on is completely normal and therefore making it harder to recognise and react to what is happening at the time. As well as these straws there were ideas to create nail polish, cups and even coasters which would all work in a similar way and perhaps be a tad more subtle to test with.

Whatever the product, what’s for sure is that these products aren’t readily available and they should be to everyone. If people had one of these straws, cups, coasters or nail varnish with them when they go out, who know what could be prevented. The fact that the idea is there and prototypes have been created but not properly tested and manufactured, is shocking considering how many victims will have experienced something they should and could have never had to have got through.


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