Carefree life at primary school seems such a long time ago now, running around in the playground, doing french skipping and so much time to play.
I was transported back to those days when I read an article this week about school photos.
Over the years whilst I’ve been growing up, every photo that I see around me on social media, in magazines and on posters has been airbrushed to perfection or changed in some way. We take it for granted as the norm and don’t even wonder what the original picture would look like.
What I discovered about some primary school photos now, is that there is even an airbrushing option available when ordering them!
That did shock me. It’s the fact that schools think it’s ok to offer this service, thinking that those cheeky, innocent, but imperfect faces needed changing in any way at all.
Thankfully over the last few years in the media there’s started to be a shift in attitudes, realising everyone seeming perfect is the wrong image to put into people’s minds. I do hope that enough headteachers and parents will also think the same, and stop this practice before it’s the norm to get your school photo airbrushed. What’s the point of looking back at a collection of photos that aren’t actually you?
Take a look at these:
Seems I went through some tricky stages in primary school. Of course my parents bought a copy as they did every year, but I didn’t want these on display.
How would I have remembered those stages I went through, and came out the other side if premium retouching was a thing in my day!