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  • Writer's picturesophietodd.

Chessie King - Being in Con-Troll

Updated: Jun 3, 2020

I discovered Chessie a couple of years ago when stumbling across her instagram account. I found her at a time where I could relate and connect as the people around me at the time, I felt all had these perfect figures and mine, being bigger than the majority, felt out of place. At the time I knew I wanted to do something about it, but didn't know how to in the super fast paced environment I was living in along with the pressures of exams and constant deadlines. Chessie's account however helped me change my mentality towards what I saw as a problem.

On her account there are images of her body at a range of sizes, commenting that it's not what it looks like that's important but what makes you happy and feel confident about yourself rather than comparing you to others or listening to others opinion.

Her accounts show her in all different outfits and scenarios but with the same central message of self love!

What particularly makes her account so powerful is her comparison pictures displaying how people pose for instagram to create the 'best' figure for their feed next to the reality proving how fake some people can come across. I think it's important that you can come across as something by creating the 'perfect feed' but that feed will never make you be that person in reality if it's not who you really are and if you're creating these fake photos it can even make you feel worse about what to you look like in the flesh, which can never be a positive thing.

An underlying message on many of her posts is that there will always be people who feel they have the right to tell you what you should and shouldn't look like. These trolls will always be there so to be in con-troll is to take those comments and just let them go, not let them have effect and to rise above = being in control.

Overall I think what Chessie is doing is genuinely changing people opinions about themselves and spreading the self love is and can only ever be a good thing! The world needs more Chessies!


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