Whether it's for Microsoft teams, zoom, emails, coursework, a virtual girls night, or date night on facetime you can always wear your slippers!

With the situation as it is, finding the motivation just to get out of bed each day is pretty tough when Netflix is calling, so perhaps your wardrobe choices may help to get you back to reality.

It's riduclous to think people even feel the need to dress up in their most 'luxury loungewear' just for them midday selfies with facemasks and bubbles, when this national pandemic is causing havok. But maybe this is what will get us through being housebound for the foreseeable future. Even if it's just for a part of the day, feeling 'dressed for the occasion' means the days don't roll into one and your camera roll has some looks to be proud of.
Don't get me wrong I think it's brilliant that during this time of craziness, we are finding our own way to take sometime for ourselves and (unless you are a key worker of course) living in your 'comfies'. In fact one of the only things I love about isolation is the fact us girls have been so open about not feeling they need to wear a bra. It's great that by having this time of separation, us girls can feel comfort in freeing the nip.
However, in a time where everything changes the one thing we have, as individuals, complete control of is our wardrobe! So dressing (even if it is just your top half) as if you're where you are meant to be not where you are, could be the key to keeping the motivation flowing. Clothes have the power to tell as story, communicate a message and it's as much about how they feel as how they look. If you feel ready for work, you're much more likely to be productive than if you're in you pj bottoms and comfy hoody you woke up in. And it goes without saying it's a lot more like a night out with the girls if you put on your favourite 'out out' top and maybe even a lick of makeup to get in the mood for a glass of the good stuff and a boogie.